Dear friends of Virtue. Registration to the Virtue TV forum is free! We do insist however that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. By creating your membership with you agree to abide by these Terms of Use. You may cancel your registration at anytime at your discretion. Although administrators and moderators at will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of each individual author. Virtue TV, our site administrators and staff will not be held responsible for the content of any message on our site. We do appreciate all your comments, criticisms and suggestions being addressed to us, if you do read or hear something you think is less than virtuous please let us know immediately. By signing up you are agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, racially insensitive, threatening, or otherwise violate any laws. The administrators at Virtue TV reserve the right to remove, edit, or close any content item for any reason. We will at our discretion remove and ban anyone who bullies others or resorts to anger or abuse to resolve conflicts between members. We hope, trust and pray that you will find meaningful friendship and relationships here at and that you will be richly edified and blessed by the available resources. Much Peace & Blessings of Virtue to you dear friend of virtue!!!